Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh


Screen Shot 2024-04-19 at 9.30.18 pmDuminica a 5-a din Post. Moralitatea sexualā.

Adolescenta Maria trāia în Egipt, pe strāzile capitalei. Cālca legea modestiei si nu era îmbrācatā decent, cu scopul de a stîrni poftele in sine si in altii. Sub presiunea prietenilor, considera dorinta sexualā în aceeasi categorie cu toate celelalte dorinte naturale. Prietenii spuneau mereu cā sexul nu e ceva de care sā te rusinezi.
Preotul crestin îi spunea cā, într-adevār, nu e nimic rusinos cā rasa umanā se reproduce într-un anumit mod, care dā plācere. Crestinismul aprobā în totalitate corpul, crede cā mateia este bunā, Dumnezeu însusi a luat trup omenesc. Crestinismul a glorificat cāsātoria, cele mai frumoase poezii de dragoste au fost scrise de crestini.
Grupul de prieteni însā credea gresit cā orice act sexual la care esti tentat la un moment dat este sānātos si normal. Si mai credeau cā este imposibil sā mentii o castitate perfectā. Si apoi mai credeau cā reprimarea sexului este periculoasā. 
Ei nu stiau cā cei care încearcā sā realizeze castitatea sînt mai constienti si cunosc mai profund sexualitatea lor.

Maria s-a împiedicat de pragul bisericii din Ierusalim si a realizat cā adevāratul conflict nu este între crestinism si 'naturā', ci între principiul crestin si alte principii care actioneazā în 'naturā'. Maria s-a rugat lui Dumnezeu pentru ajutor, si multā vreme i s-a pārut cā nu l-a primit. Dar lucrul cu care ne ajutā mai întîi Dumnezeu nu este virtutea însāsi, ci puterea de a încerca din nou! Acest proces ne vindecā iluziile cu privire la noi însine si ne învatā sā depindem de Dumnezeu, esecurile ne sunt iertate.
Virtutea - chiar si încercarea de a ajunge la virtute - aduce luminā, indulgenta aduce ceatā. 

5th Sunday in Lent. Sexual morality.

Adolescent Maria lived in Egypt, on the streets of the capital. She broke the law of modesty and was not dressed decently, with the aim of arousing lust in herself and others. Under pressure from friends, she considered sexual desire in the same category as all other natural desires. Friends always said that sex is not something to be ashamed of.
The Christian priest told her that, really, there is nothing shameful that the human race reproduces in a certain way, which gives pleasure. Christianity totally approves of the body, it believes that matter is good, God himself took a human body. Christianity glorified marriage, the most beautiful love poems were written by Christians.
But the group of friends mistakenly believed that any sexual act you are tempted to do at a given moment is healthy and normal. And they also believed that it was impossible to maintain perfect chastity. And then they also believed that the repression of sex is dangerous.z
They did not know that those who try to achieve chastity are more aware and know their sexuality more deeply.

Mary stumbled on the threshold of the church in Jerusalem and realized that the real conflict is not between Christianity and 'nature', but between the Christian principle and other principles that act in 'nature'.z
Maria prayed to God for help, and for a long time it seemed to her that she did not receive it. But the thing that God helps us with first is not the virtue itself, but the strength to try again! This process heals our illusions about ourselves and teaches us to depend on God, our failures are forgiven.

Virtue - even the attempt to reach virtue - brings light, indulgence brings fog. (C.S. Lewis).

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