Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh


26 - 27 Oct. Dimitriada la Brisbane.

Un mic altar acolo, în Brisbane, Australia, departe de satul meu natal de peste mări.
1. Sf. Dimitrie Mucenicul, Guvernatorul Tesalonicului, + 26 Oct. 306, model de reconciliere.
"Nestore, lupta crestinului nu se dā pe marile arene, ci în inima omului,
cînd în fiecare dimineatā stresul zilei ne apasā,
si trebuie sā decidem ce fel de nemuritori dorim sā fim!"

2. Sf. Dimitrie cel Nou, pāstorul, sec XVII, Bulgaria, + 27 Oct., ecologul, cu respect adînc pāmîntului si vietuitoarelor.
În biserica noastrā păstrăm veșmîntul care a acoperit moaștele sale în Catedrala Patriarhalā din București în 2006.
"Arca noastrā este aerul, apa, pāmîntul si toate speciile de plante si animale,
incluzîndu-ne pe noi, marinarii.
Cum putem fi asa de orbi si sā continuā sā sabotām!"

26 - 27 Oct. Dimitriada in Brisbane.


A small shrine there in Brisbane, Australia, far from my overseas hometown.
1. St. Demetrius the Martyr, Governor of Thessalonica, + 26 Oct. 306, reconciliation model.
"Nestor, the fight of the Christian is not fought in the great arenas, but in the human heart,
when every morning the stress of the day oppresses us,
and we must decide what kind of immortals we want to be!"


2. St. Demetrius the New, the shepherd, 17th century, Bulgaria, + 27 Oct., the ecologist, with deep respect for the earth and living things.
In our church we keep the vestment that covered his relics in the Patriarchal Cathedral in Bucharest in 2006.
"Our ark is air, water, earth and all species of plants and animals,
including us sailors.
How can we be so blind and continue to sabotage!"



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