Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh
Who Moved the Stone?
1. The disciples stole the body? In Matthew 28:11 the chief prists and the elders received the infuriating and mysterious news that the bodywas gone and they gave the soldiers money to say the disciples came at night and stolen the body while they were asleep. If the disciples had taken the body and Christ were still dead, how we explain the problem of His alleged appearances.
2. The authorities, Jewish or Roman, moved the body?
The eccleasiastical leaders arrested Peter and Joan, and beat and threatened them to close their mouths. The Jewish or Roman authorities could have paraded the body through the streets of Jerusalem.
3. The distrauted women, overcome with grief, missed their way in the dimness of the morning? Why the high priests and other enemies did not go to the right tomb?
4. The swoon theory? It is impossible that One who had just come forth from the grave half dead, who crept about weak and ill, in the need of medical treatment could given the disciples the impression that He was a conqueror over death and that He was the Prince of Life.
With other religionists, their tombs become shrines of worship. With Christ, the empty tomb is a place where Christians rejoice (Paul Little)