Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh
The 3rd day of Christmas.
The Theme, the purpose of the story.
The theme of the Christmas story is God's divine love for a fallen human race.
His love was presented in a tiny packange that arrived in Bethleem on dark, chilly, winter's night and it was spelled out in one word : Jesus.
Jesus - a simple name with so much power and meaning, but on that night so long ago, the tiny baby, wrapped by Mary in swaddling clothes, waving little arms, hungrily sucking a fist, was like any other newborn baby. He was helpless and dependent, and Mary was His hope of survival, His nourishment, His very lifeline.
God entrusted His most priceless gift to a very human, very young, earthly mother.
Why? Because God so loved - that He gave.
He sent Him to minister and eventually to die.
His death was part of the plot and essential to the theme.
There was no other way for sinners to be reconciled to a holy and just God.
In turn, Stephen gave his life for Jesus (Acts 7).