Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

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Sf. Parasheva, Iasi, 14 Octombrie.

Sfântul are forta de coeziune a pietrei.
Un sfânt poate fi si analfabet, dar e superior unui geniu, fiindcā ideia de sfintenie e legatā de ideia de minune.
Un sfânt poate face o minune.
Un geniu face isprāvi, nu minuni.
Lumea, acum, e ancoratā în cultul genialitātii, ca slāvire a progresului în afarā. Atît.
Or, cu cît suntem mai avansati, mecanic si material, cu atît suntem mai departe de esenta realā a lumii, de sfintenie.
Singurii oameni care nu pot fi suspectati cā se infioarā în fata mortii sunt sfintii.
A fi sfânt înseamnā a fi suveranul tāu perfect (Petre Tutea).
Sfântā Maicā Parascheva, roagā-te si pentru noi!

St. Parasheva, Iasi, Romania, October 14.


The saint has the cohesive force of stone.
A saint can be illiterate, but he is superior to a genius, because the idea of ​​holiness is linked to the idea of ​​a miracle.
A saint can do a miracle.
A genius performs perfect things , not miracles.
The world, now, is anchored in the cult of genius, as a glorification of exterior progress . That's it.
However, the more advanced we are, mechanically and materially, the further we are from the real essence of the world, from holiness.
The only people who cannot be suspected of shuddering at death are the saints.
To be holy means to be your perfect sovereign (Petre Tutea).

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