Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

Screen Shot 2024-08-03 at 7.00.16 pmSlavā Tie, Celui ce ne-ai arātat nouā Lumina!


Prima viziune, o scurtā privire a omului spre lumina divinā o are Moise in muntele Horeb în fata rugului care ardea si nu se mistuia (1400 înainte de Hristos) ( Vezi Iesire cap 3). Dumnezeu se recomandā : "Eu sînt Cel ce sînt".
A doua scurtā privire spre lumina divinā o are Ilie în muntele Carmel cînd coboarā focul divin peste jertfā (875 înainte de Hristos) (vezi III Regi 18).
Dar o revelatie specialā, o recapitulare a legii (Moise) si a proorocilor (Ilie) pe muntele Tabor, o face  Domnul Hristos cînd se schimbā la fatā (Matei 17) în prezenta lui Moise si Ilie.

O flacārā si o vāpaie era totul.
Muntele umbra-si subtiase.
Glasul care venea din foc
era atit de viu si de minunat.
Însusi Domnul l-a strigat.
Încāltārile lui Moise
zāceau alaturi nemiscate in iarbā.
Moise cu ochii atintiti in rug soptea ceva in barbā,
uimit de cele ce vedea.
Si nu-i venea sā creadā
cā rugul ardea si nu se mistuia.
Cā însusi Domnul
din miezul acestui foc
l-a strigat pe nume. (Ignatie Grecu, Cîntec pentru asezarea luminii).


Glory to You, the One who showed us the Light!
The first vision, a brief glimpse of man towards the divine light, is seen by Moses on Mount Horeb in front of the burning bush that was not consumed (1400 before Christ) (See Exodus chapter 3). God presenting himself: "I am who I am".
Elijah has the second brief glimpse of the divine light on Mount Carmel when the divine fire descends on the sacrifice (875 before Christ) (see I Kings 18).
But a special revelation, a recapitulation of the law (Moses) and the prophets (Elijah) on Mount Tabor, is made by Christ when He was transfigured (Matthew 17) in the presence of Moses and Elijah.
A flame and a fire was all.
The mountain has thin shadows.
The voice that came from the fire
he was so alive and wonderful.
The Lord himself called him.
The shoes of Moses lay motionless in the grass.
Moses, with his eyes fixed on the fire, was whispering something into his beard,
amazed by what he saw.
And he couldn't believe it
that the bush was burning and not being consumed.
The Lord himself
from the heart of this fire
called his name. (Ignatie Grecu, Song for setting the light).


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