Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

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IMG 2838

Ciclonul iconoclast 

Ciclonul iconoclast de 33 de ani (754 - 787) din Imperiul Bizantin a spart icoanele, a ars moastele sfintilor, a acoperit cu var picturile si mozaicurile bisericilor. Icoanele au fost reintroduse în cultul Bisericii dupā 100 de ani, pe 11 Martie 843, prima Duminicā din Postul Mare, numitā de atunci Duminica Ortodoxiei. Sf. Ap. Pavel afirmā :"Hristos este icoana Nevāzutului Dumnezeu" (Coloseni 1:15), deci icoana nu e idolatrie.  



The 33-year iconoclastic cyclone (754 - 787) in the Byzantine Empire broke icons, burned the relics of saints, and covered the paintings and mosaics of churches with lime.
Icons were reintroduced into the worship of the Church after 100 years, on March 11, 843, the first Sunday of Great Lent, since then called the Sunday of Orthodoxy.
St. Apostle Paul states: "Christ is the image of the Invisible God" (Colossians 1:15), so the icon is not idolatry.



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