Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

Screen Shot 2024-12-16 at 6.29.07 pm27 Dec., Sf. Stefan.


Primul Martir : "Iatā, vād cerurile deschise si pe Fiul Omului stînd de-a dreapta lui Dumnezeu" ( Fapte 7:56)
"De ce, Doamne?" este titlul cārtii eminentului filozof crestin C.S.Lewis.
Autorul este 'surprins', la bātrînete, de reluarea interogatiei religioase, prilejuitā de chinuita stingere a bucuriei sale conjugale, doamna Joy Davidman. Surprins de durere, C.S.Lewis nu iese din sfera credintei. Rāmîne însā deschisā o temā, formulatā nemilos de Lewis: Dumnezeu l-a creat pe om dupā modelul unui oximoron : un animal spiritual. A pus exigenta supremā intr-un organism plin de limite, si a cerut unui aparat de cunoastere precar sā inteleagā Absolutul... Dumnezeu nu trînteste usi în nas, ci contemplā, blînd, felul nostru de a pune întrebāri gresite, încāpātînarea noastrā de a cere, care obnubileazā capacitatea noastrā de a primi.
Oximoronul a primit, din partea Creatorului, o probā de reciprocitate. Fācîndu-se om, Dumnezeu a acceptat sā combine spiritul Sāu pur cu promiscuitatea cārnii (Andrei Plesu).

Dec. 27, St. Stephen.

The First Martyr: "Behold, I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God" (Acts 7:56).
"Why, Lord?" is the title of the book by the eminent Christian philosopher C.S. Lewis.
The author is 'surprised', in his old age, by the resumption of religious interrogation, occasioned by the painful extinction of his conjugal joy, Mrs. Joy Davidman. Surprised by the pain, C.S. Lewis does not leave the sphere of faith. However, one theme remains open, mercilessly formulated by Lewis: God created man after the model of an oxymoron: a spiritual animal. He placed the supreme demand on an organism full of limits, and asked a precarious apparatus of knowledge to understand the Absolute... God does not slam doors in our faces, but gently contemplates our way of asking the wrong questions, our stubbornness in asking, which obscures our capacity to receive.
The oxymoron received, from the Creator, a proof of reciprocity. By becoming man, God agreed to combine His pure spirit with the promiscuity of the flesh (Andrei Plesu).


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