Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh
A medical school.
The cure of the crippled woman by Jesus on sabbath (Luke 13:10) and the controversy that results, furnishes a paralel to an incident that will be reported by doctor Luke in Luke 14:1, the cure of a man with dropsy on a sabbath.
Like a medical student watching the profesor at the bed side!
A characteristic of Luke's style is the juxtaposition of an incident that reveals Jesus' concern for a man with an incident that reveals his concern for a woman.
If the law as interpreted by Jewish tradition allowed for the untying of bound animals on sabath, how much more should this woman, who has been bound by Satan's power, be freed on the sabbath from her affliction!