Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh


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Cārāmida Sfîntului Spiridon, pluralitatea de o fiintā.


Arie, nāscut în 256 în Libia, preot la biserica Baucalis din Alexandria, Egipt, a încercat sā coboare Crestinismul, de la înāltimea de religie revelatā de Dumnezeu-Tatāl prin Fiul Sāu Iisus Hristos, la nivelul religiilor naturale pāgîne.
Atanasie, diacon si majoritatea membrilor Sinodului 1 Ecumenic de la Niceia în anul 325, au decretat Consubstantialis Patri, adicā faptul cā Iisus Hristos este consubstantial sau deofiintā cu Tatāl.
Modestul bātrîn Spiridon, episcop de Trimitunda, în toiul discutiilor, a cerut ca sā fie lāsatā cārāmida sā vorbeascā : un singur lucru, format din trei elemente, pāmînt, apā si foc. A strîns cārāmida în mîini si cele trei elemente s-au despārtit. 
Filozoful Evloghie, adept al lui Arie, a strigat: "Atâta vreme cât era vorba de dispute, aduceam cu uşurinţă cuvinte împotriva cuvintelor. Dar când, în locul cuvintelor, a ieşit din gura acestui bătrân puterea şi facerea de minuni, nimic nu mai pot cuvintele împotriva puterii".

12 Dec. St. Spiridon.

The Brick of St. Spiridon, the plurality of one being.

Arius, born in 256 in Libya, priest at the church of Baucalis in Alexandria, Egypt, tried to lower Christianity, from the height of religion revealed by God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ, to the level of pagan natural religions.

Athanasius, deacon and the majority of the members of the 1st Ecumenical Council of Nicaea in 325, decreed Consubstantialis Patri, that is, the fact that Jesus Christ is consubstantial or co-existent with the Father.

The modest old Spiridon, bishop of Trimitunda, in the midst of the discussions, asked that the brick be allowed to speak: one thing, formed from three elements, earth, water and fire. He held the brick in his hands and the three elements separated.

The philosopher Eulogius, a follower of Arius, exclaimed: "As long as it was a matter of disputes, I easily brought words against words. But when, instead of words, power and the working of miracles came out of the mouth of this old man, words can do nothing against power."


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