Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh
The Communal Life (The Church) after Pentecost, 50 days after Resurection (Acts 2:42) :
"Those who accepted Peter's message were baptised , and about 3,000 persons were added that day.
They devoted themselves:
- to the teaching of the apostles and
- to the communal life,
- to the breaking of the bread and
- to the prayers.
All who believed were together and had all things in common;
they would sell their property and possessins and divide them among all according to each one's need".
For a while, the church worked hard to follow this new logic : for the first few centuries, the church took literally Christ's commands to receive strangers, clothe the naked, feed the hungry, and visit those in prison.