Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

241063415 3177143195887042 7420931266839127411 nSemānātorul fārā glas.


Pāsind descult în brazda neagrā,
un om, în zori de zi trudea.
Cu sfinte mîini, în plînse vînturi,
grîul curat îl arunca.

Pāsāri în zbor dādeau tîrcoale,
furînd sāmînta de pe cale;
prin pietre - grîul semānat -
lipsit de rouā - s-a uscat.

Sālbatici spini, prinsi în mānunchi,
cu tepii altoiti pe trunchi,
nu au lāsat, în umbra lor,
grîul sā salte roditor.

Semānātorul fārā glas
oprea la fiecare pas;
în urma lui se înāltau
holde ce-n soare strāluceau! (Ieremia Constantin)

The voiceless sower.

Walking barefoot in the black field ,
a man was toiling at dawn.
With holy hands, in weeping winds,
the clean wheat was he throwing away.

Birds in flight circled,
stealing the seed from the path;
through stones - the sown wheat -
devoid of dew - has dried up.

Wild thorns, caught in a bundle,
with thorns grafted on the trunk,
did not leave, in their shadow,
the wheat spring fruitfully.

The voiceless sower
stop at every step;
behind him crops rose
in the sun! (Jeremiah Constantine)

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