Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

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Vindecarea slābānogului (Ioan 5).

Apa lacului Vitezda nu a putut da viatā, numai cuvîntul de Viatā al lui Iisus a putut vindeca boala.
În Ierusalim era o scāldātoare, în fata cāreia zācea un bolnav, care, fārā sā facā nimic altceva, îsi astepta vindecarea printr-o minune. Iisus s-a apropriat de slābānog si i-a spus: "Nu astepta vindecarea prin minuni, ci trāieste tu însuti cît ai putere si nu te însela privind întelesul vietii". Slābānogul l-a ascultat pe Iisus, s-a ridicat si a plecat. Vāzînd aceasta, învātātorii de lege au început sā-L mustre pe Iisus pentru ce spusese si pentru cā l-a ridicat pe slābānog în zi de sîmbātā.
Iisus le-a spus : "N-am fācut nimic nou. Am fācut doar ce face Tatāl nostru de obste. El vietuieste si dā viatā oamenilor; Eu am fācut la fel. Si aceasta e chemarea oricārui om.
Orice om este liber si poate sā trāiascā sau sā nu trāiascā.
A trāí înseamnā a împliní vointa Tatālui, adicā a face bine altora;
a nu trāí înseamnā a-ti împliní vointa proprie si a nu face bine altora.
Stā în puterea fiecāruia sā facā una sau alta, sā primeascā viata sau sā o nimiceascā (Lev Tolstoi).



Healing the weak (John 5).


The water of Lake Vitezda could not give life, only the word of Life of Jesus could cure the disease.
In Jerusalem there was a pool in front of which lay a sick man, who, doing nothing else, miraculously awaited his healing. Jesus approached the weak man and said to him, "Do not wait for the miraculous healing, but live as long as you have the power and do not be deceived as to the meaning of life." The man listened to Jesus, got up, and left. Seeing this, the teachers of the law began to rebuke Jesus for what he had said and for raising the weak man on the Sabbath.
Jesus said to them, “I have not done anything new. I have done only what our Father has done for us. He lives and gives life to men; I have done the same. And this is the calling of every man.
Every human being is free and may or may not live.
To live means to do the will of the Father, that is, to do good to others;
not to live means to do your own will and not to do good to others.
It is up to everyone to do one thing or another, to receive life or to destroy it (Lev Tolstoy).





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