Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh
1. The Speaking God ( Psalm 2:7) Give us guidance for this day, for You know the right ways, and You know the best ways.
2. The Listening God ( 2:8) May we make the most of our rare privilege of having You listen to us; we are glad that Your listening ear is only a word away.
3. The Awesome Lord (2:11) We rejoice in being held captive by You. The greater our captivity to You, the greater our freedom to do what we ought to do
4. The Amazing Lord (3:2) When words fail us, we can still bask in the glory of Your presence and become lost in wonder, love, and praise.
5. The Protecting Lord (3:3) Today, be our Shield, our Protector, our Security as we travel the upward trail.
6. The Lifting Lord (3:3) Keep our heads high enough that we will be radiant adn scatter happiness to those we contact today.
7. The Sustaining Lord (3:5) This is a day that You have given us, and we want to return it to You in a way that will show our love and gratitude.