Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh

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Afarā din Rai.

"Eu disting între omul etern si omul istoric.
 Omul etern este omul primordial, integral creat de Dumnezeu dupā chipul si asemānarea Lui, care s-a jucat pe frînghia libertātii si a împletit purul cu demonicul, viata cu moartea, lumina cu întunericul, libertatea cu înlāntuirea. El are un sinonim : homo religiosus, omul religios.

Omul istoric e omul care devine si, raportat la cel primordial, e un fel de neom. Istoria este neomenia lui.
Autonomia spiritualā a omului este iluzorie si ea se miscā perpetuu între Dumnezeu si diavol. Fārā credintā si Bisericā, omul rāmîne un simplu animal rational si muritor, rationalitatea avînd doar caracterul unei mai mari puteri de adaptare la conditiile cosmice decît restul vietuitoarelor. Cînd zici cā omul e un animal rational, atributul rationalitātii îl distinge de restul vietātilor, dar nu-l scoate din perspectiva mortii absolute. Nici o consolare cā eu fac silogisme, dacā apar si dispar în mod absurd din naturā.

Cînd, unde si în ce scop a apārut omul în calitatea de om?
Dacā se întreabā singur, si nu e un zeu în coltul casei care sā-i reveleze data începutului, omul rāmîne un biet animal rational care vine de nicāieri si merge spre nicāieri.." (Petre Tutea).

Cast out of Paradise .
"I distinguish between the eternal man and the historical man.
The eternal man is the primordial man, completely created by God in His image and likeness, who played on the rope of freedom and intertwined the pure with the demonic, life with death, light with darkness, freedom with chaining.
He has a synonym: homo religiosus, the religious man.

The historical man is the man who becomes and, compared to the primordial man, he is a kind of noman. History is his inhumanity.
The spiritual autonomy of man is illusory and it moves perpetually between God and the devil.
Without faith and the Church, man remains a simple rational and mortal animal, rationality having only the character of a greater power of adaptation to cosmic conditions than the rest of living things. When you say that man is a rational animal, the attribute of rationality distinguishes him from the rest of the creatures, but does not remove him from the perspective of absolute death. No consolation that I make syllogisms, if I appear and disappear absurdly from nature.

When, where and for what purpose did man appear as a man?
If he asks himself, and there is no god in the corner of the house to reveal the date of the beginning, man remains a poor rational animal that comes from nowhere and goes to nowhere... "(Petre Tutea).

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