Murals (2008) by PHANTAST - Graffiti - Cultural Music & Art Association inc. - 98 Milne St. Benleigh


1. Essentials for a harvest: weeping, seeding, reaping. (Psalm 126:6).  May we realize anew that it is always the right season to plant seed and gather a harvest for You. May we weep and reap in an effective and meaningful manner. 

2. The home is virgin soil for producing a harvest (127:1).  May we make sure that Christian atmosphere pervedes our homes, so we may do our part in preparing for a spiritual harvest of our children.

3. A sense of well -being accompanies a harvest (128:2).  Teach us to wisely invest the things You have entrusted to us, so we can have our hands filled with welcome returns.

4. The wicked can be set free by an operation harvest (129:4).  You do not give up on the worse of mankind, so may we never give up on these who appear impossible, hardhearted, or hopelessly rebellious.

5.  The forgiveness of the Lord is the basis of soul winning. (130: 3-4).  May we be gripped by our opportunities to be partners with You in giving to a wayward world the hope of forgiveness and a chance to be alive onto God.

6.  The Lord offers a plenteous redemption to all who seek Him (130:7).  May we double our efforts at harvesting because we have the whole gospel, for the whole man, for the whole world.

7.  We have part in a long- range harvest (131:3).  In the light of Your provisions and program for bringing our broken world back to You, we say to You in a new way: "Here am I, Lord; send me".

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