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Sadly people of today have forgotten, in some cases never been taught, to look to our God in faith, The Christian's God, who loved His creation so much that when Adam and Eve let sin and death enter into His perfect world, He sent His only Son to die in our place, the Son who being fully God, entered this world as a man, to die on a Cross at Calvary, to redeem the human race of sin.

Many people of today try to deny this. They have come to believe that they are good enough, as long as they gave the right attitude to their neighbour. They water down the laws of God in the name of anti-discrimination, and free speech, but in many cases discriminate against the Christian beliefs in  so doing, as if Christians are fair game, because they will not sue or come out in defence of their beliefs. They themselves are often afraid to show that they have any belief in the love of the Lord Jesus, for fear they may offend some one of a different faith or belief.

After all it is more important to be seen/ to be politically correct, multicultural, and wordly wise especially when it comes to impressing friends and neighbours, who believe in free love, and other ideas, than to be seen to take a stand for a belief, in Jesus Christ, the humble carpenter of Nazareth, who walked on this earth so many years ago, and changed life on earth for ever.

It may not be fashionable for this generation to be Christian, but it is certainly dengerous not to be under the Lord's care.  There are even enemies of our Lord within the Church, as well as in the secular word who are working to discredit the true beliefs of the deity of Jesus; they distort the facts of His birth, death and resurection.

In this present age of doubt and disbelief, men and women are turning their backs on the truth, to believe a lie, and become slaves, following after the darker side of life, while professing to being freer than ever before. In this age of "anything go" they believe they have it all under  their own control, until that one night of fun, too much drink or drugs, the baby after loveless sex, uncontrolled violence or maybe just misplaced belief in some new age religious faith or sect, and they are enslaved, and the devil does take tomorrow.

The  only way to get your life back now, and for all eternity is to accept by faith the ransom paid by the Lord Jesus. For only His sacrifice could pay the price to release us from sin and death. He has defeated the power of the devil with His victory over death and secured a place for mankind as the adopted sons and daughters of the Almighty Father. But the only way for us to accept this victory is by faith in who Jesus Christ is and what He did on the Cross. He is the incarnate God. (Gina Drescher, Yesterday's Faith).