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barcaThe Pharisees' idea of leadership was to deal only with those who are profitable.

Jesus saw the poor in a completely different way: these people are persons, and they're worthwhile. No matter how one views Christian administrative theory, the first necessity is prayer: "Ask the master of the harvest" (Matthew 9,38). Without prayer, the leaders risk preaching themselves rather than Christ, making the work their own rather than His, engaging in the process more to build their own kingdom rather than God's.

"Ask the master of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest field". Jesus realizes that God needs people; the amount of work seems way out of proportion to the resources. "The twelve" were just ordinary men without wealth, academic achievement, or social position: a few fishermen. a tax collector, a freedom fighter, a traitor-to-be, and other more shadowy people.

In managing our salvation, Jesus never intended an individualistic approach. The chosen people's relationship with God should be communitarian; this relationship continues between Jesus and us, meaning finding joy in being God's people. Should that carry us into a life of commitment like the priesthood, brotherhood, or sisterhood, Jesus is Lord. Should it be to the commitment of lay singleness or marriage, Jesus is the same Lord. St John Chrysostom wrote:" Nothing is colder than a Christian who does not care for the salvation of others". Today we are called to break out of our little ice cubes...(Harold A. Buetow, 366 Days with the Lord)