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Screen Shot 2025-01-20 at 6.26.47 am24 ian 1859, "Visarea iubitā", Unirea Principatelor Române.

În fiecare an, la 24 ianuarie, ne amintim cu emotie si mîndrie de māretul act al unirii Principatelor Române, prin care s-au pus temeliile Statului Român Modern.
Prin unirea Moldovei cu Muntenia se împlinea un vis, un ideal pe care poporul nostru îl nutrea dintotdeauna.
Unirea, visul tuturor românilor, era un vis scump, venind din vechimea secolelor, din vremea lui Burebista si Decebal. Era, dupā spusele lui Bālcescu, "visarea iubitā" a marilor nostri voievozi Mircea cel Bātrîn, Stefan cel Mare si Mihai Viteazul...

24 Jan 1859, "The Beloved Dream", The Union of the Romanian Principalities.
Every year, on 24 January, we remember with emotion and pride the great act of the union of the Romanian Principalities, through which the foundations of the Modern Romanian State were laid.
Through the union of Moldavia with Wallachia, a dream was fulfilled, an ideal that our people had always cherished.
The union, the dream of all Romanians, was a cherished dream, coming from centuries ago, from the time of Burebista and Decebal. It was, according to Bălcescu, the "beloved dream" of our great voivodes Mircea the Old, Stefan cel Mare and Mihai Viteazul...