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Sfântul ierarh Nicolae

Nāscut in 280 in Patra, provincia Lichia.
Decedat la 6 Dec 345 in Mira (Kocademre, in apropiere de Kale, Turcia).

Sf. Nicolae este unul dintre cei mai populari sfinti ai crestinismului.
Nu e asa de popular nici Sfântul Ioan Gurā-de-aur, a cārui sfântā Liturghie se sāvârseste mereu.
De ce? Ne-ar putea explica cele douā calitāti ale marelui ierarh:
Dragostea de popor - pânā la sacrificiu;
Dragostea de Hristos - dragostea de Adevār.
Deci mila si adevārul pe care le-a trāit ca ierarh, l-au fācut mare înaintea lui Dumnezeu,
iar Dumnezeu l-a fācut mare înaintea oamenilor (Icoane pentru suflet, Pārintele Arsenie Boca).

Sf. Nicolae nu tine predici despre exploatarea sexualā.
Nu compātimeste moralizator pe cele trei fete si nici nu condamnā pe tatāl pierdut.
El încearcā discret sā recupereze pe cei pierduti.
Sf. Nicolae cumpārā rochii de mireasā si împlineste visul celor trei fete.

Sfinte Nicolae, ocroteste copiii, împlineste visul mireselor si ajutā celor ce-ti poartā numele!



St. Hierarch Nicholas was born in 280 in Lichia Province.
He died on 6 Dec 345 in Mira (Kocademre, near Kale, Turkey).
St. Nicholas is one of the most popular saints of Christianity. It is more popular then St. John Golden- mouth .
We could explain it by the two qualities of the great hierarch:
- the love of people, up to the sacrifice;
- The love of Christ - love of truth.
So the mercy and the truth he had lived as Hierarch, made him great before God, and God made him great before men (Arsenie Boca).
St. Nicholas did not preach about sexual exploitation.
He did not moralised the three girls nor condemn the lost father. He discreetly tried to recover the lost.
St. Nicholas bought bride dresses and fulfilled the dream of the three girls.
Holy Nicholas, protects the children, fulfills the dreams of brides and helps those who bear your name!