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Duminica fratelui neiertātor (Matei 18:24).

Despre iertare / rāzbunare.
Petru a întrebat : "Doamne, de cîte ori va gresi fatā de mine fratele meu si-i voi ierta lui? Oare pînā de sapte ori?
A zis Domnul : Nu zic tie pînā de sapte ori, ci pînā de saptezeci de ori cîte sapte!"

Este o aluzie, prin contrast, la rāzbunarea fārā limitā a lui Lameh (Facere, prima carte din Biblie):
Facere 4:15 "Tot cel ce va ucide pe Cain, înseptit se va pedepsi"
Facere 4:24 " Dacā pentru Cain va fi rāzbunarea de sapte ori, apoi pentru Lameh de saptezeci de ori cîte sapte"

Matei 18:35 iertarea Tatālui ceresc, deja datā, va fi retrasā la judecata finalā pentru cei care nu L-au imitat iertînd pe cei ce le-au gresit lor.
Ucenicii Domnului / crestinii trebuie sā ierte fārā limitā!

Sunday of the unforgiving brother (Matthew 18:24).


About forgiveness / revenge.
Peter asked: "Lord, how many times will my brother sin against me and I will forgive him? Is it up to seven times?
The Lord said: I do not tell you up to seven times, but up to seventy times seven!"


It is an allusion, by contrast, to the limitless revenge of Lamech (Genesis, the first book of the Bible):
Genesis 4:15 "Anyone who kills Cain will be severely punished seven times"
Genesis 4:24 "If for Cain the vengeance will be seven times, then for Lamech seventy times seven times"
Matthew 18:35 the forgiveness of the heavenly Father, already given, will be withdrawn at the final judgment for those who did not imitate Him in forgiving those who wronged them.
Jesus’ disciples / Christians must forgive without limit!