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Duminica a 5-a din Post : Ambitia lui Iacob si Ioan (Marcu 10:32)

Pregātire pentru spālarea picioarelor (Ioan 13:5)
Miezul învātāturii crestine :
"Oricine poate împliní vointa Tatālui, dar nimeni nu poate fi, din aceastā pricinā, mai de seamā, mai important sau mai bun decît ceilalti. Doar stāpînitorii se socot astfel si cei care le slujesc.
Potrivit învātāturii Domnului Hristos, nu pot fi oameni mai înalti, fiindcā cei ce vor sā fie mai buni decît ceilalti trebuie sā fie, dimpotrivā, slujitorii lor. Viata nu-i datā omului ca sā-i slujeascā lui, ci ca el sā-si ofere întreaga viatā în slujba celorlalti oameni. Iar cel ce nu va urma aceastā poruncā si se va înālta deasupra celorlalti, acela va cādea mai jos decît era înainte" (Lev Tolstoi).
- Învātātorule, noi doi, Iacob și Ioan, vrem sā fim asemenea Tie.
- Nu stiti ce cereti.
Dacā M-ati rugat sā fiti asemenea Mie numai ca sā fiti cei mai mari printre ucenici, vā înselati.
Iar dacā voi ceilalti, sînteti mîniosi pe acestia doi fiindcā vor sa aibā întîietate între voi, vā înselati si voi.
Doar în lume sînt ocîrmuitori si stāpînitori care domnesc asupra neamurilor.
Printre voi nu poate fi nimeni mai mare sau mai mic.
Cel care vrea sā fie mai mare decît ceilalti, acela trebuie sā fie slujitorul lor (Marcu 10:23).
Screen Shot 2022-04-09 at 9.20.00 pm5th Sunday of Lent: the ambition of Jacob and John (Mark 10:32)
Preparation for the washing of the feet (John 13:5)
The core of Christian teaching: "Everyone can do the will of the Father, but no one can be more important, or better than others. Only rulers consider themselves important, and those who serve them.
According to the teaching of Christ, those who want to be better than others must, on the contrary, be their servants. Life is not given to man to serve him, but to give his whole life in the service of other people. And he who does not follow this commandment and exalts himself above all others, he will fall lower than he was before" (Lev Tolstoy).
- Teacher, we both, Jacob and John, want to be like You.
- You don't know what you're asking for.
If you prayed to be like Me only to be the greatest among the disciples, you are mistaken.
And if the rest of you are angry with these two, because they want to be first among you, you are also wrong.
Only in the world are there rulers who rule over the nations.
There can be no one greater or lesser among you.
The one who wants to be greater than the others must be their servant (Mark 10:23).