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27 Martie : Duminica a 3-a din Post, purtarea Crucii (Marcu 8:34).

Spre Golgota, cu Crucea în spate.
'N-ajunserā încā la Poarta Grādinilor, cînd iatā cā Iisus, la capātul puterilor, se împiedicā, se prābuseste la pāmînt si rāmase locului, întins sub cruce.
Sutasul, grābit, ca si Pilat, sā ispāseascā odatā cu acea supārare, cāutā din ochi pe cineva din multime în stare sā ducā crucea lui Iisus.
- Simone, ia crucea asta si haide dupā noi! "Si au silit un trecātor, Simon din Cirene, tatāl lui Alexandru si al lui Ruf, ca sā ducā crucea Lui..." (Marcu 15:21)
- Domnul Hristos: "De te va silí cineva sā mergi o milā, mergi cu el douā" (Matei 5:41).
Garnizoanele romane din Palestina puteau sā rechizitioneze proprietāti si servicii de la populatia bāstinasā.
Numai tîlharii care-si duceau si ei crucile spre Golgota au fost nemultumiti; era o pārtinire prea fātisā, cu atît mai mult cā "acela", dupā spusa preotilor, era nebānuit mai vinovat ca dînsii. Iar din clipa aeea, pînā si cei doi tovarāsi de osîndā, pizmuindu-L, prind a-l urî pe Iisus; si-L vor înjura cînd vor fi pironiti, alāturi, pe crucile duse în spate'. (Giovani Papini).

 "Cine vrea sā vinā dupā Mine, sā se lepede de sine, sā-si ia crucea si sā-Mi urmeze Mie!" (Marcu 8:34).

March 27: The 3rd Sunday of Lent, Carrying the Cross (Mark 8:34).
To Golgotha, carrying the Cross.
‘They had not yet reached the Gate of the Gardens, when Jesus, at the end of his power, stumbled, fell to the ground, and lay down under the cross.
The centurion, being in a hurry, like Pilate, to finish with that trouble , seeks out someone in the crowd who is able to carry the cross of Jesus.
- Simone, take this cross and come after us! "And they constrained Simon the Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus, to bear his cross ..." (Mark 15:21)
- Christ said before :"If anyone compels you to go a mile, go with him two" (Matthew 5:41).
Roman garrisons in Palestine were able to requisition property and services from the native population.
Only the two robbers who carried their crosses to Golgotha ​​were dissatisfied; it was too open a bias, mostly as "he," according to the priests, was more guilty than they were. And from that moment on, even the two condemned comrades, envying Him, began to hate Jesus; and they will curse Him when they are nailed to the cross.' (Jovani Papini).


"Whoever wants to come after Me, let him deny himself, take up his cross, and follow Me!" (Mark 8:34)