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25 Martie. Pragul dintre lumi e o veste bunā

- "Adame, unde esti?" (Facere 3:9)
- Imi pare rāu cā am fugit de Tine.
Încā fug, fug de acea Cunoastere, de acel Ochi, de acea iubire de care nu este refugiu.
Cāci Tu ai vrut numai iubire, dar eu am simtit doar fricā si durere.
Asa cā, odatā, în Israel, Dragostea a venit la noi întrupatā,
a stat în pragul dintre douā lumi, si ne-a fost fricā. (Annie Dillard)

"Totul e sā intri în rezonantā : cu un om, cu o idee, cu un moment istoric sau poate cu un astru.
Totul e sā te viziteze o idee".  (C.Noica)



March 25. The threshold between the worlds is good news


- "Adam, where are you?" (Genesis 3: 9)
- I'm sorry, God, I ran away from You.
I am still fleeing, fleeing from that Knowledge, from that Eye, from that love from which it is not a refuge.
For You only wanted love, but I felt only fear and pain.
So, once in Israel, Love came to us incarnate,
He stood on the threshold of two worlds, and we were afraid. (Annie Dillard)


"It's all about resonating: with a man, with an idea, with a historical moment, or maybe with a star.
It's all about visiting an idea. "(C. Noica)