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 Personally, I foresee a scientific explanation for many mysteries, but not for the origin of everything.
1. Whatever theory is postulated in science, a pre-requisite is needed.
The Big Bang origin of the universe required energy.
Newton told us that mass (rocks, for instance) and energy are interchangeable, but also that energy can be neither created nor destroyed.
Energy is interesting, although we still don't understand what it is. Something must have created energy, presumably at  beginning.

2. Although INFINITY is a useful concept to employ in theoretical calculations, infinity does not exist in the real world. Plato would have predicted an infinite universe, while Aristotle would have pointed out that although the theory is correct, infinity is actually abscent from nature. Without infinity, it follows that everything in the universe is finite, everything has a beginning as well as an end.

3. Vision. Even with our eyes we do not see everything there is to see. Bees and birds communicate within the ultraviolet portion of sunlight, a part of the spectrum humans don't see - we live in a virtual reality world. Go back 550 milion years, animals did not possess eyes. The stimulus for vision - light - did indeed exist. Light reflected from the bodies of neighbours was projected on to the heads of these ancient animals, but they made no use of it. Colour remained an invention of the future. Those animals would have felt that they knew everything about their surroundings - we feel that we do today - we don't know about the world in ultraviolet, nor in infrared.

4. Some people contend that we are just some salts and a bucket of water. Within a skin and supported by a skeleton, we have a brain that collects information from a nerve network, which services our major sensory organs: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and touch and temperature sensors in our skin and other body parts. From this information the brain makes a decisionon how best to react, sending electrical signals to our muscles through a separate network of nerves.

5. Retina cells in the eye contain different molecules that become altered by light rays of different wavelengths, between 400 and 700 nanometeres, and the inner eadr contains hair cells that are moved by sound waves in the range of frequencies 20 - 20,000 Hertz. But that's it - that's our only means of contact with the outside world.
If something lies beyond our range of detection, we will know nothing of it.

6. Our sensory system distorts the information that we do collect: there is no such thing as colour in the real world. Colour is made in the mind. In the outside world there are light rays with different wavelengths, but they have no colour. Similarly, we look at a rock and perceive a solid block of material - actually we are viewing swarms of subatomic particles separated by lots of empty space. In fact, over 99% of the rock is empty space. This tells us something of our almost crazy perception of the world we live in - what is happening around us is suddenly beginning to look hopelessly inadequate.

7. Our brain has a maximum size, which means it can do limited processing work - so do we gather and understand half of what there is in the universe? A tenth? A thousandth?

8. We could question whether evolution alone can explain beauty. Some rocks and blocks of matrial come with beauty, others don't. Yet ultimtely all are subatomic particles and space. Some trigger extra activity in our  brain. We do not know why. If we were to recreate life on earth using only evolution - survival of the fittest, and so on - would we expect to develop a sense of beauty in our environment? Is energy not lost here?


I will admit that the notion of God has always appeared preposterous to me; but, in the context of our limited senses and interpretation of sensory data, it may indeed be a plausible notion, because now... well, who knows? (Andrew Parker, The Genesis enigma).