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1. We should expect to do valiantly through the help of the Lord (Psalm 108:13).  Since You are "able to exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think", may a maximum of good be accomplished in and through us.

2. Expect great things from the hand of the Lord (109:27).  As we allow this array of evidence to impart its full meaning to us, may we expect greater things from the hand of the Lord.

3. Expect the Lord to put our enemies under our feet (110:1).  May we always keep marching in Your name, so we can make the forward progress that enables us to keep pace with Your timetable for us.

4. We should expect great things from the power of God ( 110:3).  May we not live below our privileges when it comes to drawing on Your power. Make us more than conquerors in every situation.

5. We should expect great work from the Lord (111:2).  My we have an enlarging faith and sense of expectancy as we give You an open channel to accomplish the things You have planned.

6. Expect great things from the Lord because of His mindfulness (111:5). May we never take for granted the high privilege of coming to You in prayer, or use prayer only as a parachute to help us out of emergencies.

7. Expect great things as you take new territories for the Lord (111:6).  May we be mindful of our fellow Christians who have come from another faith, and pray that they may be faithful regardless of cost.