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1. He is the God of the persons in the past (Psalm 81:4). May we sense that we have the weight of centuries back of our trust and confidence in Your program of making bad people good.

2. He is the God of events in the past (81:10). May we keep our faith fixed firmly in You as the Molder and the Shaper of the events of the past and the future.

3. Our God is above all other gods of the past. (82:1). We acknoledge You as the only God in this world and the world that is to come.

4. The God of histoy is the God of all races (82:6).  May we treat every person as You treat him - as an object of love, of value, and of dignity.

5. The God of history is the God of national affairs (82:8). May here be a turning to You by the people of our land, so we can maintain and preserve our magnificent heritage. 

6. The God of history is the God of national leaders (83:11).  Today an every day be with our country's leaders and those in public office, that they may have wisdom, courage and integrity in performing their public services.

7. The God of history is the Sovereigh over the Universe (*3:18).  We honor You as the God of heaven and as the Lord of our lives, the King of the universe and of each of us.