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Screen Shot 2024-03-07 at 12.56.11 pmDuminica Verdictului (Matei 25 :31).

Spuneau latinii : "Primum thesaurisari, deinde vivere!" (Întîi strînge bani si apoi sā trāiesti).
Cu alte cuvinte, întîi contextul, scoartele cārtii, si apoi textul, viata, omenia.
Dar dacā nu ai textul, n-ai sā-l ai niciodatā si nicāieri.
Oamenii fārā text de om sunt întocmai cārtilor cu context uneori admirabil : coperti frumoase, literā si hîrtie bunā, miniaturi, pagini pline - dar care nu spun nimic.
Toti  cāutām sā creām contexte ( case, vieti, rînduieli potrivite) fārā sā mai avem un text pentru ele...
Textul îsi face singur contextul, inversul aproape niciodatā. (Constantin Noica).

Judgment Sunday (Matthew 25:31).
The Latins used to say: "Primum thesaurisari, deinde vivere!" (First collect money and then live).
In other words, first the context, the cover of the book, and then the text, life, humanity.
But if you don't have the text, you will never have it anywhere.
People without human text are like books with sometimes admirable context: beautiful covers, good font and paper, thumbnails, full pages - but which say nothing.
We all seek to create contexts (houses, lives, suitable orders) without having a text for them...
The text creates its own context, the reverse almost never. (Constantin Noica).